Why do I live?? A question that baffles millions.
Nail hammer:
We know it was designed and built to hammer nails, suppose this hammer is in the toolbox never used, would that make her feel anything? Of course not, she is inanimate and will never care about it.
Now imagine the hammer itself coming to life and becoming aware of what is going on around it. Days pass after days while it is still in the box. Although it is amusing to be inside, something is missing, but she does not know what it is.
Then imagine with me that a person comes and takes it out of the toolbox and uses it to break the wood that he puts in the fireplace. You will certainly be happy with that. Yes, cracking wood has some happiness, but it is not enough. At the end of the day there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, as there is still something missing. Minus!!!
In the following days, imagine that it was also used many times: to fix the metal cap that was put on the car tire, to fix the table leg, or to break some stones, and with all this she still felt not satisfied and longed for more and more breaking and hitting things thinking that That is what will make her satisfied and satisfied.
Imagine that one day someone comes and uses it to hammer nails and suddenly the hammer feels so happy that it flows from inside it, I finally realized what it was really designed for, it was intended to hammer nails while all the other things it did were secondary matters next to Hammer the nails, and now you have found the missing thing you have been searching for.
God created us in such a way that we can be in a relationship with Him, and this relationship is the only thing that will fully satisfy us, and even if we experience many wonderful things and devote ourselves to noble ends, without this personal relationship for which we were created We cannot say that we have We hammered the nail”, and we will remain unsatisfied, and Augustine expressed this in the following words: “O God, You created us for Yourself, and our souls will not find their rest except in You.”
The relationship with God is the only thing that quenches the thirst of our souls; Jesus Christ said: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry. He who believes in me will never thirst.”
If we do not return to God, we will remain hungry and thirsty in this life, and everything that we “eat” will not satisfy us and everything that we “drink” will not quench us, and we will remain like a “hammer”, not knowing what is the thing that fills the void in our lives and saves us from insufficiency.
Even in the midst of the Nazi society, some have come to the fact that the source of true fulfillment is only God. One of the prisoners said in a camp: "The basis of our joy is that we knew that our life is hidden with Christ in God," and we had faith in the love of God who is our dependent. The strongest even in the depths of darkness.”
Normally, when we are not in a relationship with God, we try to find satisfaction and fulfillment in things that are far from Him, and we continue to “eat” and “drink” more and more thinking that the sufficiency and filling of the void is in more and more, but we are not and we will never be satisfied.
The greatest desire of our souls is to know God and have a personal relationship with Him. Why? Because we were created with this need within us. Have you "hammered a nail" yet?